Greek Foot by Naomi Marsh

Many people are concerned because it appears as if their second toe is longer than their first toe.  This style of foot is actually quite common. Accurate statistics are difficult to find, but it is estimated that 20-30% of the population have a similar foot structure.  The Statue of Liberty’s feet resemble the Greek Foot.

Greek Foot is also known as Morton’s Toe or Morton’s Foot, named for Dr. Dudley Morton, a foot doctor from the 1930’s.  Morton’s Toe is not an accurate term because it isn’t really a long toe.  The toe bones are called phalanges and the long bones behind the toes are referred to as metatarsals.  Morton’s Toe describes a foot where the relative length of the first metatarsal is shorter than the second metatarsal.

One can tell if they have a Greek Foot by looking at the space between the first and second toe, compared to the space between the second and third toe.  The deeper first space makes it a Greek Foot.

One must always buy shoes longer than the longest part of the foot.